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Nanocerox, Inc develops, refines, manufactures and markets high-technology materials (nanopowders) used as raw materials for products requiring transparency, durability and heat resistance for use in industrial, military, medical and aerospace applications, as well as for use as additives in the chemical processing industry. The Company has created a proprietary development platform that facilitates the creation and manufacture of nanopowders that are used to create transparent polycrystalline ceramic products. In addition the Company's nanopowders are used as additives and for the base raw material in a variety of other products.

The platform hereafter referred to as the Nanocerox Ceramic Powder Development Process (NCPDP) is based upon an exclusive license from the University of Michigan for its patented Flame Spray Pyrolysis process used to produce highly pure, chemically-precise and uniformly-sized nanoparticles. Nanocerox has enhanced this process with numerous additional patents and the development of proprietary processes to create the unique raw material capable of delivering the clarity, size and strength required by its customers.

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